
Chris Kirkpatrick

Podcast: How to Build Your Authority Platform Online with Chris Kirkpatrick

In this day and age, running a business does not only call for establishing an online presence; it also requires differentiating yourself from the rest of the competition by building authority and demonstrating thought leadership. Although the process may initially seem overwhelming and even frustrating, there are proven effective ways to find your voice and …

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Carlos Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia

Podcast: The Future of Product Management with Carlos Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia

Product management is one of the most important functions in a company. The success of a business depends on the success of the products or services it offers, which are in the hands of product professionals.  However, we must understand that everything is a product. So even though you might not be part of your …

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Rachel Lee

Podcast: Building a Personal Brand that Stands Out with Rachel Lee

In this episode of Dubb’s podcast, “Connection Loop”, Dubb’s Founder, Ruben Dua (@rubendua) meets with Rachel Lee. Topics explored include: #Marketing #PersonalBranding #Sales Listen to more episodes here ( The story continues on Watch the full Livestream episode here:  Listen to the full podcast here: Listen to this podcast on the platform of …

Podcast: Building a Personal Brand that Stands Out with Rachel Lee Read More »

Mariya Palanjian

Podcast: Mindful Entrepreneurship with Mariya Palanjian

All of us know what mindfulness and entrepreneurship are. However, when you combine them together, it becomes less obvious. In the hustle and bustle of running a business, it can seem hard, perhaps virtually impossible, to be mindful. That being said, by embracing mindfulness as an entrepreneur, you can gain an edge. You are more …

Podcast: Mindful Entrepreneurship with Mariya Palanjian Read More »

Craig Clickner

Podcast: Side Hustling Success with Craig Clickner

Side hustles can be awesome things. They are terrific ways to dip your toes into entrepreneurship and see if your business idea is a viable one. That being said, there are things you can do today to increase your chances of launching a successful side hustle. In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua and Craig …

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David Walter

Podcast: Prospects Don’t Know What They Need, You Must Show Them! with David Walter

Whenever we are trying to sell a product or service to another person, we need to ensure that we are stepping into their shoes. Empathy is a key attribute in becoming a better sales professional. Ultimately, we aren’t just trying to solve problems that our prospects recognize that we have. We want to show them …

Podcast: Prospects Don’t Know What They Need, You Must Show Them! with David Walter Read More »

Hamlet Azarian

Podcast: Growth Hacks to Effectively and Efficiently Grow a Startup with Hamlet Azarian

Whether you have founded or work for a startup, you are almost certainly thinking about new ways to grow your business. Especially for young companies, growth is one of the most important things that should be on your mind. Without it, it is extremely hard for your startup to survive. With it, however, you will …

Podcast: Growth Hacks to Effectively and Efficiently Grow a Startup with Hamlet Azarian Read More »

Ian Moyse

Podcast: The Essentials of Personal Branding with Ian Moyse

All of us recognize that we have personal brands. Whether you are just starting your career or are the CEO of your own company, your personal brand can play a huge part in reaching your goals. With that said, many of us don’t exactly know how to build our personal brands. We know it’s important, …

Podcast: The Essentials of Personal Branding with Ian Moyse Read More »

Marty Bickford

Podcast: Dialogue with Your Customer’s Brain with Marty Bickford

Whenever we are trying to sell something, we can’t just look at our goals and objectives. We need to focus on our prospects and the problems that they are facing in their lives. That said, getting into our customers’ brains is easier said than done. We may intend to be empathetic and solve our audience’s …

Podcast: Dialogue with Your Customer’s Brain with Marty Bickford Read More »

Suzi Sosa

Podcast: Why we need a New Type of Leader for a New World? with Suzi Sosa

Are you looking to become a better leader in our rapidly changing world? If so, you are certainly in the right place. Leaders and would-be leaders today need to adapt to our new environment to more effectively lead their teams toward their business goals. In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua spoke with …

Podcast: Why we need a New Type of Leader for a New World? with Suzi Sosa Read More »