Strategy Consultations

Ryan Sullivan

Podcast: How to Create a Business Podcast with Ryan Sullivan

Many of us have one or several podcasts that we listen to every week (we hope this includes Connection Loop)! Yet while it is easy to download and listen to our favorite podcasts, actually creating a podcast is a different story. While it is certainly possible, there are certain best practices to keep in mind. …

Podcast: How to Create a Business Podcast with Ryan Sullivan Read More »

Erik Huberman

Podcast: Mastering Your Marketing Skills with Erik Huberman

We all want to become better marketers. For as great as our product or service may be, we need to do great marketing work to reach our business goals. But how do we do this in practice? In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua and Creative Director Shannon Leonard speak with Erik Huberman about …

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Alice Heiman

Podcast: How to Build a World-Class Virtual Sales Organization with Alice Heiman

Whether you run a small startup or are in charge of a larger business, you undoubtedly recognize that sales are the lifeblood of any organization. Without sales, it’s impossible to reach your business goals. Having said this, how can we build and run world-class sales organizations (especially in a virtual-first world)? To learn more, Dubb …

Podcast: How to Build a World-Class Virtual Sales Organization with Alice Heiman Read More »


Podcast: Shane Dillon on Growth Hacking in Asia

Growth hacks can be tantalizing. They represent quick and easy ways to grow and scale your business. While much of business is about slowly putting in the time to achieve your business goals, these growth hacks—assuming you can execute them well—can make that job slightly easier.  In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb Creative Director Shannon …

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Marcos Moura

Podcast: Unlocking the Power of Franchising with Marcos Moura

When thinking about starting a new business or working for a young business, it’s easy to consider a digital startup. After all, these types of startups get many of the headlines. That said, there are many other opportunities to both solve pressing needs in the marketplace and build wealth at the same time. One of …

Podcast: Unlocking the Power of Franchising with Marcos Moura Read More »

Jennifer Spor

Podcast: Leading Up from a Place of Mission, Vision, and Purpose with Jennifer Spor

We all want to become better, more effective leaders. At the same time, we want to work with our colleagues to pursue a higher calling. So how can we do both at the same time? In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb Creative Director Shannon Leonard and Jennifer Spor speak about leading up from a …

Podcast: Leading Up from a Place of Mission, Vision, and Purpose with Jennifer Spor Read More »

Matt Coffy

Podcast: Growing and Scaling Your Business with Matt Coffy

We all want our businesses to get larger. We want to serve more customers and provide even more value in their lives. That being said, how can we do this both efficiently and effectively? In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua sat down with Matt Coffy to talk about key tactics and …

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Brenda Meller

Podcast: How to Enjoy a Bigger Slice of the LinkedIn Pie with Brenda Meller

LinkedIn has become an extremely powerful way to connect with your audience, prospects, and customers. Having said this, many LinkedIn users don’t get as much from the platform as they should be getting. In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua sat down with Brenda Meller to discuss how to enjoy a bigger slice …

Podcast: How to Enjoy a Bigger Slice of the LinkedIn Pie with Brenda Meller Read More »

Dino H. Carter

Podcast: Brand-Focused Marketing for Revenue Growth with Dino H. Carter

All of our businesses are looking for revenue growth. Without increasing sales, it is nearly impossible for our business to accomplish its goals. The good news is that there are many different ways to achieve revenue growth. One extremely effective strategy is brand-focused marketing. To learn more about how brand-focused marketing can help your business …

Podcast: Brand-Focused Marketing for Revenue Growth with Dino H. Carter Read More »

Kristie Jones

Podcast: Accountability as a Sales Strategy with Kristie Jones

One of the most important themes in sales leadership is accountability. Any organization, whether it is a startup or multinational corporation, must have employees that take accountability for their actions. Even if they don’t believe that things are their fault, taking responsibility and accountability can help you and your colleagues develop a certain mindset that …

Podcast: Accountability as a Sales Strategy with Kristie Jones Read More »