

Podcast: How to Be a TedX Speaker with Swish

Ted and TedX talks are some of the most insightful and interesting things on the Internet today. No matter your interests, I’m sure that you’ll find talks that pique your curiosity. Just like the talks themselves, the actual process of becoming a speaker and delivering a compelling speech is fascinating in its own right. To …

Podcast: How to Be a TedX Speaker with Swish Read More »

Marilyn Devonish

Podcast: How to Be Your Best Self in Isolation with Marilyn Devonish

Covid-19 has been one of the most disruptive events in recent memory. Even if you haven’t been infected, the coronavirus has relegated many of us to our homes. If you live by yourself, the isolation can be difficult. It is mentally taxing and challenging—especially as the weeks go by. To learn some tips and tricks …

Podcast: How to Be Your Best Self in Isolation with Marilyn Devonish Read More »

Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020)

Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020) Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items: – How to Build Connections – How to Speak in Front of 14K peoples – Sales Excellence – Motivational Speaker – Connection with Customers – Catch and Touch Point – Affiliate Promotion – Video Content – …

Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020) Read More »

Jaime Cohen

Podcast: Mastering our Communication Skills with Jaime Cohen

No matter our personal or professional goals, communication skills are critical. You’re going to need to persuade others, whether it is a potential investor in a tension-filled boardroom or that attractive person at the bar. For some of us, public speaking and persuasive communication can be anxiety-inducing. And if you are confident in your communication …

Podcast: Mastering our Communication Skills with Jaime Cohen Read More »

Isacc Guzman

Podcast: Leveraging Video in the Real Estate Industry with Isacc Guzman

Real estate is one of the largest and most important sectors within the U.S. economy. It is also fiercely competitive, as everyone from real estate agents to real estate startups is looking to increase market share and expand their bottom lines. One way to accomplish these goals is through video marketing. From taking virtual tours …

Podcast: Leveraging Video in the Real Estate Industry with Isacc Guzman Read More »

Jason Duncan

Podcast: Exploring the Power of Video Marketing with Jason Duncan

At Dubb, we see plenty of entrepreneurs and marketing professionals who use the power of video marketing in unique ways. The beauty of video marketing is that there are essentially no rules. So long as you are consistently providing high-value content to your audience, you will start to get much closer to your marketing goals. …

Podcast: Exploring the Power of Video Marketing with Jason Duncan Read More »

Best-Selling Author

Podcast: Improving Our Sales Skills with Terry Lancaster, a Stellar Social Sales Trainer and Number One Best-Selling Author

Let’s face it: life at its core is about sales. Whether we are selling our product or service to a prospect or selling an idea to a spouse or partner, persuasion is at the core of our everyday life. And while we may think we are a good salesperson at heart or have picked up …

Podcast: Improving Our Sales Skills with Terry Lancaster, a Stellar Social Sales Trainer and Number One Best-Selling Author Read More »

Culture of Good

Podcast: Bringing Our Souls to Work with Ryan McCarty, internationally renowned speaker and author of Build a Culture of Good

  For the past number of decades, companies of all shapes and sizes have been focused on maximizing shareholder value. While this has brought them success to this point, we are now living in a world where companies need to move past profits and focus on the larger influence they are having on the world. …

Podcast: Bringing Our Souls to Work with Ryan McCarty, internationally renowned speaker and author of Build a Culture of Good Read More »

Dr. Rosalene Glickman

Podcast: The Power of Optimal Thinking with Dr. Rosalene Glickman, Founder of

For as much as we want to focus on the skills and technical talent we need to accomplish our goals, there is another part of the equation that is equally as important. Our thoughts and attitude toward our professional and personal goals play a huge part in determining whether we actually reach those goals. No …

Podcast: The Power of Optimal Thinking with Dr. Rosalene Glickman, Founder of Read More »

David Ronald Alto

Podcast: Exploring the Power of LinkedIn with David Ronald Alto, the Founder of AltoAdvance

In this episode of Connection Loop, Ruben Dua speaks with David Ronald Alto about the power of LinkedIn. David took a leap of faith and founded AltoAdvance, which is a business consulting firm that mentors and advances business leaders. He credits much of his success—including the courage to leave his job and pursue his passion—to …

Podcast: Exploring the Power of LinkedIn with David Ronald Alto, the Founder of AltoAdvance Read More »