
Jackie Hermes

Podcast: How to Be Purposely Positive with Jackie Hermes

Building a startup or advancing toward your career goals can be stressful. How we respond to that stress, however, can significantly vary. Some of us respond negatively and some of us respond positively. The good news is that you can become more positive by being deliberate and methodical about it. In this episode of Connection …

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Ronnell Richards

Podcast: How Entrepreneurs Get Featured in the News with Ronnell Richards

Whether you just started a new company or are trying to take your company to the next level, it is important to get some sort of press attention. But how do you get that sort of attention? In this episode of Connection Loop, Ruben Dua sat down with Ronnell Richards to discuss everything related to …

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Antoni Tzavelas

Podcast: How to Think and Grow Like an Entrepreneur with Antoni Tzavelas

Are you looking for helpful tips on becoming a better entrepreneur? In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua discusses this topic with Antoni Tzavelas. You will hear a wide variety of tips and strategies in this episode, including the following: Having a learning mindset is absolutely critical for success as an entrepreneur. It’s …

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Wassim Dabboussi

Podcast: The Empowered Entrepreneur with Wassim Dabboussi

In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua discusses empowered entrepreneurship with Wassim Dabboussi. Ruben and Wassim share many important insights about entrepreneurship in this episode, including the following: Being an empowered entrepreneur is about being authentic. It is also about thinking of the impact that you have on the world. No matter …

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Jessi Johnson

Podcast: #blacklivesmatter and How Your Company Responds with Jessi Johnson

The killing of George Floyd has shaken much of our country to its core. Millions of people have taken to the streets in the past several weeks, ranging from protests in Washington DC and New York to tiny towns across the country. It’s safe to say that our country is at a true inflection point. …

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Ed Monaghan

Podcast: Exploring the Teachings of Bruce Lee with Ed Monaghan

Bruce Lee is one of the most incredible humans to have lived in the past number of decades. From his innovations in martial arts to starring in major Hollywood films, Bruce was truly a legend. He was so transformative and influential that he was even the founder of his own hybrid martial arts philosophy. Even …

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Podcast: How to Stay Positive in a Crisis with Frank

We are certainly living in precarious times. From the lingering effects of a global pandemic to nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd, it can be difficult to stay positive when the world feels like it is falling apart. That being said, it’s important to keep working, stay positive, and continue providing value to …

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Stapho Thienpont

Podcast: How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Business during #COVID19 with Stapho Thienpont

As this global pandemic rages on, we’re all trying our best to retain a sense of normalcy. It can be difficult, especially if you are trying to stay connected with others when you are stuck at home. LinkedIn can be a great tool to connect with prospects and your company’s audience, yet communicating during a …

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Podcast: The Future of Remote and Virtual Work with a Futurist

Living in a global pandemic, many of us have been forced to rely on remote or virtual work. Whether you use Zoom for your real-time meetings or Dubb to connect with your prospects and customers, the rise of the work from home movement has become all too real. That said, this pandemic won’t last forever. …

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Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020)

Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020) Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items: – How to Build Connections – How to Speak in Front of 14K peoples – Sales Excellence – Motivational Speaker – Connection with Customers – Catch and Touch Point – Affiliate Promotion – Video Content – …

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