Ed Monaghan

Podcast: Exploring the Teachings of Bruce Lee with Ed Monaghan

Bruce Lee is one of the most incredible humans to have lived in the past number of decades. From his innovations in martial arts to starring in major Hollywood films, Bruce was truly a legend. He was so transformative and influential that he was even the founder of his own hybrid martial arts philosophy. Even if you don’t know much about Bruce or aren’t a huge fan, Bruce has plenty of teachings and insights that we can apply to our daily lives.

To learn more about Bruce, we’re proud to present our interview with Ed Monaghan. Ed is a professor at UCLA and a longtime follower of Bruce Lee’s philosophies and teachings. At UCLA, he specializes in kinesthetic learning and is a mindfulness facilitator for UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center. He is also an instructor in Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do, which is a hybrid philosophy of martial arts that was influenced by the philosophies and experiences of Bruce Lee. Spending decades studying Jeet Kune Do and practicing a variety of martial arts, Ed was a terrific person to speak with about Bruce Lee and his teachings.

In his conversation with Dubb founder Ruben Dua, Ed spoke about topics like how to feeling great and confident while remaining humble, why constant improvement was a key to Bruce Lee’s legend, the value of simplicity in our lives, and how business people can take the insights from Bruce’s teachings to become happier and more successful.

Want to learn more from Ed Monaghan about Bruce Lee and how we can apply his lessons to our own lives? The story continues at dubb.com.

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