Podcast: How to Use Dubb to Build Relationships and Revenue with Russ Johns


At Dubb, we love our users and helping them accomplish their video marketing goals. We designed our software from the ground up to help business owners easily leverage the power of video in their own marketing work. Whether you have just started your startup or are working with your marketing colleagues to develop a marketing strategy for a new product or service, we are laser-focused on providing you with software that provides the greatest ROI.

In this episode, we want to shift gears and focus on the story of one of Dubb’s heroes and power users. His name is Russ Johns and he previously appeared on Connection Loop on August 2, 2019. In case you didn’t listen to that episode, Russ is a speaker and coach on social media strategy and other marketing strategies. He is also the host of the #piratebroadcast, which is a show discussing interesting people who are doing interesting things.

Sitting down with Dubb founder Ruben Dua, Russ shares his thoughts on a wide range of subjects related to Dubb. For example, Ruben and Russ discuss things like the ways that Dubb helps clients build close relationships with their customers, how Dubb’s LinkedIn integration can help you take advantage of this underrated social network, how Russ uses both Slack and Dubb to get more things done, and how you can leverage video testimonials with Dubb to build social proof and grow your business. Whether you are a Dubb power user or are thinking about joining the Dubb family, we’re confident that you’ll get a lot from this conversation. 

Want to learn more from Russ Johns and how Dubb can help you accomplish your video marketing goals? The story continues at dubb.com.

Check out the full episode here.

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Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you create, share, track videos to grow your business. For more resources search for “Dubb” on YouTube and subscribe to Dubb’s podcast, Connection Loop.

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