
Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020)

Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020) Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items: – How to Build Connections – How to Speak in Front of 14K peoples – Sales Excellence – Motivational Speaker – Connection with Customers – Catch and Touch Point – Affiliate Promotion – Video Content – …

Podcast with Victor Antonio (2/24/2020) Read More »

Jaime Cohen

Podcast: Mastering our Communication Skills with Jaime Cohen

No matter our personal or professional goals, communication skills are critical. You’re going to need to persuade others, whether it is a potential investor in a tension-filled boardroom or that attractive person at the bar. For some of us, public speaking and persuasive communication can be anxiety-inducing. And if you are confident in your communication …

Podcast: Mastering our Communication Skills with Jaime Cohen Read More »