
Gary Frisch

Podcast: Giving Your Business the Edge with Public Relations with Gary Frisch

No matter the product or service that your company is selling, you need to think about public relations. You must come up with a plan to get media attention for your company—both now and in the future. But how can you realistically do that? In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua sat down to …

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Kedma Ough

Podcast: Getting Funding for your Business with Kedma Ough

Whether you are trying to start a hugely ambitious startup or simply trying to set up a simple brick and mortar store in your hometown, you will likely need some sort of funding to get off the ground. While starting a new business can offer tremendous financial upside, getting to that upside requires an initial …

Podcast: Getting Funding for your Business with Kedma Ough Read More »

Timothy DeJesus

Podcast: The Business of Time with Timothy DeJesus

Are you trying to find ways to save time and be productive? In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua spoke with Timothy DeJesus about time management and the business of time. In this episode, you will learn many different insights, including: You don’t have to settle for one job or one way …

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