Nina Froriep

Podcast: Why Consistency and Being TRUE to Yourself Wins in VIDEO MARKETING with Nina Froriep

While many of us understand why video marketing is so powerful, actually capitalizing on its power is a different story. Often, we feel like we need to act a certain way or create a “professional” video to accomplish our goals. The truth? There are more important things than investing in expensive equipment or creating a sleek marketing video. As our guest in this episode of Connection Loop argues, consistency and being true to yourself are far more important.

Nina Froriep is a veteran of the film and video production industries. She has spent over two decades in these industries and enables mission-driven entrepreneurs to grow with consistent video content. If there’s anyone that can explain the types of videos that convert, Nina is the person to ask.

Speaking with Dubb founder Ruben Dua, Nina shared her thoughts on a variety of topics, including her introduction to the film and video production industries, why you should be asking yourself whether you are consistent in your video marketing, the power of case studies, why authenticity is so important in video marketing, and why video can be a great way to showcase and share your legacy. It is a great conversation and one where you’ll be able to use Nina’s actionable insights in your own professional life.

Want to learn more from Nina Froriep about the importance of consistency and honesty in video marketing?

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